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This is the result of the latest class by Bill Thomas.


Selway Fisher Rufus 20

Evgeniy Krysko has launched his Selway Fisher Rufus 20 (17) at Sebastopol - looking very nice with her Bamboo finish but needing a little ballast.

Paul Fisher

One Sheet Boat

Just thought I'd say thanks. My kids and I spent a couple days building the one sheet boat from your plans online. So here are a few pics.

John Thomas

Didi Mini Mk3

A Didi Mini Mk3 was launched in Netherlands today, by owner/builder Ronald Groenewoud. See more on my blog.

Dudley Dix


It was a bit a challenge for two senior citizens to get Zeta, a 14ft trimaran, to the water with neither a trailer nor roof rack, just carpet and lots of rope. But we made it.

And then we launched it and as soon as we did what little wind there was disappeared. But it floated and sailed surprisingly well, tacking with no hesitation. There is comfortably room for two. So I just drifted around for an hour or two.

I will be out again tomorrow, hoping for a bit more wind! Apart from needing to get thinner battens (these are from a Tornado so rather overstiff!) the boat all worked straight out of the box.

Another Day

Fortunately, there was a bit more wind today so I could test the 14ft Zeta trimaran properly. But before going out I wanted to show how light the boat is. Here is a video of the first few minutes sailing.

Richard Woods

19' Hatteras V-Botton Dory

I just got an email recently from Grant Wolfe:

Hi Jeff,

I just took my Hatteras out on its maiden voyage!!! Everything went perfectly!!

That little 70HP Yamaha pushes that thing better than I thought it would. Right now I'm able to get about 38mph out of it (that was little scary BTW). For its first ride it did great. Everyone loved taking rides in it!!

Grant Wolfe

More information, more pictures, and Free downloadable study prints to build this 19' Hatteras V-Botton Dory.


Southern Cross


Howard launched "Southern Cross" yesterday, said she sailed nicely and that he'd had a nice night on board. From here it will be sailing, more sailing, and getting used to everything so he can put his hands on what he needs when things are difficult. Congratulations on the launch Howard, I"m looking forward to seeing her sailing in the Straights of Magellan.

John Welsford

Oughtred Tirrik

Finished Tirrik today. Also learned how to email photos. Mac: we've had it for five years but it didn't come with instructions.

I thoroughly enjoyed the process and never once did I feel like, "Damit. Just get it done". I look forward to all the sailing lessons she's going to give me. Starts tomorrow.

Michael S

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