items to
for inclusion here next month.
Great New Year’s Adventure” by Tom Gale, Port Townsend, Washington - USA
The "Newest boat, and Adventure" came up abruptly last month.
The state owned marinas auction off boats when owners fail to pay fees for quite some time. Good way to a great deal on a boat. I had known of this particular boat for several months. I'd spoken to the owner when he had tried to sell it for $3000 early summer.
It had been stored in a barn he the roof collapsed and bent the mast in 2 spots, as well as other minor damage. So it found it's way to the Port Angeles Marina stored on the hard. Auction date came up, Dec. 16th. I was the only guy to show up. They were happy enough to sell it for $100. Incl. a Honda 10hp, 4 stroke outboard, new mainsail, spinnaker. fully outfitted. I paid $95 to get it put back in the water. Another $42 to get it registered.
The Wil and I headed to Port Townsend on 1/1/'11, a memorable day. The boat is a 31 foot, '67 Privateer 26. You can it check out at: I plan to sell the North West 21 with trailer this spring to finance our new roof project. I had a bit more adventure than we bargained for. The rudder shaft stuffing box leaked while under power. After several hrs, the rear hold was full of water. I was trying to bail out water and determine where the leak was, when we ran aground off Dungeness, near the light house. The tide was going out fast... we were stuck. We rested on our side at 45 degrees for 6 hrs in the dark, until the tide came up.
Now, 10:30 pm, and below freezing, I motored to Point Hudson arriving at 1:30 am.
Wil, snug in his sleeping bag, asleep most the way. So, mission accomplished... and lessons learned.
Capt. Tom
Cross 18
I think you’ll get a kick out of this. For years I’ve wanted to build a small trailerable trimaran. I love multis. I’ve owned a bunch, but the last one I built was many years back in Hawaii. After a lot of thought, and a couple of false starts, I got Cross 18 plans from Jeff Turner in California.
Then, out the blue a month or so later I saw a Cross 18 on Craigslist! I couldn’t believe it!
The boat was home built over a long period of time by an engineer in New Jersey. Sadly I learned that he passed away before he could put his beautiful project through her trials. She only saw the water a couple of times. None of the family were sailors so the boat was stored for a while. Eventually they opted to sell her. That’s when I happened to see her on Craigslist. Her 2hp four stroke Honda outboard was still brand new, as were the sails, standing and running rigging, and the custom made trailer.
The boat didn’t sell for some reason out east. I watched the listing being renewed month after month and finally decided I would make the grueling road trip from Utah to buy her sight unseen. What a beauty she turned out to be! Incredible workmanship! Having built a few boats myself I know the painstaking care taken by this master builder. The cockpit varnish had faded while she was stored; other than that the boat is immaculate. I spent the summer putting her through her paces on our local lakes and reservoirs. His custom deadman steering mechanism stripped pretty early on so I converted her to a regular tiller. Everything else worked perfectly. She points very well but will do even better with adjustment to the jib sheeting.
Next summer she’ll be sporting a light air spinnaker and bow and wing tramps – she’s a wet one at speed! The tramps will help a lot. She’s got a lovely hum at speed (turn up the volume). Who knows how fast she goes – fast! Unfortunately I’ve not sailed up against any beach cats but I’m sure she’ll hold her own when I do. I’ve had her out twice in high wind; she handled beautifully. The fall day my brother and I sailed her in 35 mph sustained winds with gusts to 45 mph the camera got so wet it looks like we’re sailing in a fog. We hugged the leeward reservoir bank to avoid wind chop. Even so we got mighty wet! The video just doesn’t do her justice, but I think you’ll get the idea. I’m really glad I put that reef in her main. She’s a fabulous boat! My little tomcat Harrison has claimed her as his own. He yells loudly at me as I ready her for towing. When I get back he’s up in her inspecting his prized hang-out even before she rolls to a stop.
Eric Dahlkamp
We begin with the first tests to "Cachivache" Weighted with 200 kilos and 9 knots wind sail. Then we noticed the rapid response to the rudder and excellent performance of wind on the boat fin.

On the beat, I deviated a bit but it was easy control and maintain the course. It behaves beautifully, low heel, and back we went with the ebb current and laughed. We still practice the rolling of the sail and we will go practice in a few days out to sea.
Alberto Rawson, Chubut Argentina
Schooner Canoe Concept Proven

The original concept is now proven. The reason for building the little schooner was to get to good places to paddle from the Bradenton 59th ST boat launch (I live right around the corner from there). Nothing interesting to see anywhere close to the boat launch, so the idea was to sail to an interesting area, paddle some, then sail home. By the way, "interesting" basically mean no god-awful mansions and 400 ft long docks. I launched at about 2:00pm today in about 8 to 10 knots of wind from the West and sailed across the river to the cut on the east side of Snead Island. Had to paddle through the narrow part because there was no wind in there, of course. Just dropped the foresail and left the mizzen rigged. At the end of the cut I raised the main and sailed to the mangrove channel and paddled from there all the way to Emerson Point. Of course, heavy fog rolled in and I had to sail across the river nearly blind but no one called the Coast Guard so that worked out OK. Anyone who saw me probably thought it was just a Styrofoam cup out there or something. Got back to the 59th ST boat launch about 6:00pm. Seven nautical miles total, with 2.5 NM paddling.

Steve D

Here's a couple of photos of Sparrow, taken a few days ago. Getting ready to put together the sail rig - hope to have the boat in the water in a month...
27 Footer
I am building a 27 foot sailboat that will end up weighing 2800 pounds. I will probably keep it on a mooring and I thought you might like to see a couple photos.
[Does not enlarge]
John Lincoln
These batteries can explode when mistreated. Do not over charge or charge at more than the recommended rate because they can and will explode. If the core temperature goes higher than recommended they will explode. One of my friends who uses these batteries got third degree burns to his hands stomach and forehead as the result of an explosion.
These batteries are used in mobile phones, lap tops, high speed electric boats, power tools and can over heat if they are insulated and the devices core overheats they will explode. Do not leave unattended when charging. Dispose of correctly and do not throw in rubbish bins as they can cause fires in a rubbish tip. Do not leave in the sun.

If used correctly they are safe...
Stewart Strik
Just a short note to say that the sail I ordered for my Welsford Tender Behind has arrived.
It looks beautiful.
We plan to be in the water and testing it by late April. (I will send a pic - to use on your web site?)
Thank you (and your sail-maker).

Kind regards
My TB, 'UME' (Australian aboriginal pidgin English for "us") and the its spars, under construction.
Nauticomp to Feature Glass Bridge® Displays
With Compact, Multi-Function Remote
At 2011 Palm Beach International Boat Show
Clematis Tent 622 & 656, March 24-27

ONTARIO, CANADA – Marine displays manufacturer Nauticomp will feature its Glass Bridge® thin edge displays with Multi-Display Commander external remote controls at the 2011 Palm Beach International Boat Show, March 24-27 (Clematis tent booths 622 and 656).
Nauticomp’s top of the line Glass Bridge Displays are specially-designed for multiple display installations and include a compact (just 2” x 4”), IP67 waterproof Commander remote to control up to 5 displays from a single keypad. Multiple inputs, available at each display, allow access to all sources (DVI, VGA, NTSC/PAL, and S-Video) with complete redundancy. They also offer deep dimming (0 to 100% via ‘Potentiometer’), as well as Picture in Picture and Picture beside Picture capability.
For more information about Nauticomp Glass Bridge Displays with Multi-Display Commander external remote controls and other Nauticomp products, visit Clematis tent booths 622 or 656 at the 2011 Palm Beach International Boat Show, or call 1+705.328.2992.
