Here are some photos from my four day cruise to
some of the islands of Tangier Sound on Chesapeake
Bay. I had a great time. Spartina, the Pathfinder
I launched last June, performed wonderfully. I had
all kinds of weather - from a steady 10 knot breeze
to dead calm to a small craft advisory. A fun way
to spend a long weekend, I can't wait to go back.
Work and family life are keeping me pretty busy these
days, so I don't have time to write much. But here
are the photos and below is some information to go
with them.

Loaded up with all my gear, food and water in
Crisfield, Md. Eight gallons of water under
the two ports in the bunk flat. More than I
needed, but I wanted to see how she sailed with
the weight. Clothes and food are under the hatches
in the thwart. From left to right you can see
my yellow foul weather gear bungeed under the
coaming. A grey tub with flashlights, candles,
matches and notebooks. My safety harness tether
is coiled in front of that, next to the red
throw cushion. The yellow bag contains my hypothermia
gear - a double bagged set of warm clothes to
be brought out only as a last resort. Under
the foredeck is a gas can, porta potty, anchor
and mesh bag with onions and peppers. Bungeed
up under the foredeck is my boom tent, sleeping
pad and sleeping bag. Wrapped in white polytarp
on the right is my cook stove with a burner
and griddle. Aft of that is a grey tub with
my cook kit. As you can see, all that gear and
I'm still left with a wide open cockpit! I could
not detect any change in performance of the
boat with all that gear on there.

Not the best looking guy, but I'm having a nice
time crossing Tangier sound in a 10 knot breeze.
I've got my harness on, life jacket is nearby
to the right. I'm a baseball hat kind of guy,
but the wide-brimmed straw hat was perfect protection
from the sun. Ten or twelve hours exposed to
the sun in an open cockpit can be a long time,
I'll take any protection I can get. |

Anchored for the evening at Great Fox Island,
my $10 l.e.d. anchor light swinging from the
lazy jacks. |

Tried my hand at fishing, but not much luck.
But a very nice way to spend the afternoon.
I cast a bit looking for fish, but mostly enjoyed
watching the dolphins swim by out in the deeper
water. |

Setting sail at sunrise at Great Fox Island.
Second day of the four day trip had the lightest
winds. They kind of came and went. Fog moved
in late morning. I sailed south to Watts Island
in the fog using a compass and tracking crab
pot markers along the shoal that led from Great
Fox Island to Watts Island. |

Dinner! Grilled onions and peppers with salmon
out of a foil packet, all served over the rice
boiling in the pot to the right. Talk about
good! |

The boom tent up at Tangier Island. A front
came through that night, strong winds and heavy
rains. The tent, made with polytarp, tape and
grommets (total cost of about $60.00) kept me
perfectly dry and comfortable. I slept through
the storm and waited out the wind and rain the
next day while reading a good book. Weather
cleared about 2 in the afternoon, I set sail
with a reef in during a small craft advisory.
Interesting thing about leaving Tangier was
sailing backward with the cb up and the rudder
partially lowered. I was under complete control
sliding across the sand flats dodging a couple
of duck blinds. As I got to the opening of the
sound I raised the jib and reefed main and took
off in to the breeze. |

Sailing across the sound during the small craft
advisory. Just a great ride. |

A visit to Watts Island. Once an island large
enough to support a plantation, now eroded away
to a narrow uninhabited strip of land. |

Does anybody else out there have a JW pennant?
A gift from my Mom, it arrived the evening before
I left on the trip. |
The Pathfinder
has proven to be a great design. I wonder where it
will take me next.
best wishes,

More about Pathfinder