The Online Magazine For Amateur Boat Builders

Texas Kayak Builders Bash 2005

by Chuck Leinweber

My friend Gerald Kenedy wrote to tell me that there would be a Texas Kayak Builder's Bash at Ink's Lake near here. This has become a regular event with a lot of followers around the state and beyond. I asked David Nichols if he was going and when he said he was, we agreed to meet there. The weather was iffy with a cold front sporting hail, cold wind and rain passing through the night before. In fact it was still raining when I left home that morning for the two hour drive to Inks Lake. When I got there, though, the sun had come out and turned a 44 degree night to a 75 degree day.

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It was interesting to see one of Jim Michalak's Totos among all the fancy CLC and Guillemot works of art.
click to enlarge Speaking of works of art, there were probably 50 boats - mostly kayaks like those in the forground
click to enlarge A big section of the waterfront was dedicated to the group. You can tell this picture was taken early in the day as people still have their wraps on.
click to enlarge Dickie Davis brought his Summer Breeze all the way from Paris... Texas that is. Believe it or not, this great looking boat was made from lumberyard materials.
click to enlarge This perfect CLC Skerry was built by Mike Delchambre from San Antonio
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Monty Rhodes built this Featherwind/$200 Sailboat and later sold it to this gentleman who's name I did not get.
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This strip planked version of Iain Oughtred's Wee Rob was built by Steve Landsdowne of Austin.
click to enlarge As the day warmed up, several boats were launched. Steve decided to take his Wee Rob out too. Here, he and David Nichols fuss over the balanced lugsail....
click to enlarge .... and finally decide to tie a reef in.
click to enlarge Steve's little boat has a very high level of finish and the details are clever indeed. Here is the shockcord/toggle retainer he made to keep his paddle out of the way while he is sailing.
click to enlarge Mike took his Skerry out too. He could really make that boat fly.
click to enlarge These three guys were practicing eskimo rolls all afternoon. I sure whish I had a movie camera.